Friday, December 05, 2008


Daniel and his buds are awesome....Shadrach Meshach Abednego are people I cant wait to meet in heaven.

Most have heard of the story about the fiery furnace, and how these guys dont bow down to the bunny get tossed into the fire and then there are four...walk out not even smellin like a fire, King Neb starts to rethink his ole idol thing.

When I re-read this, its amazing just to think what was really happening at the time and what they stood up for.

All the big shots got invited and thousands bow, and these three dont...then they go to king and are like ya whats up were not scared of you look at our God, he take us out of here whenever he wants, and if not thats cool too (ALT Aarons Living Translation)

So king brings up fire 7 times hotter (holy number) and toss em in...I see em just kinda like walkin into cause the guards holdin em up are droppin and there not feeling a thing so there like heck lets get in there.

Then something cool happens Neb sees another guy "looks like a son of gods" how would you even know what this really looks like? his glow? he have a name tag? but instantly Neb knows who it really is.

Then Neb calls em out of the fire, and they dont even smell like fire, and we all know if you talk to someone who has been around a fire you then smell like one....

but when they were in the fire it never even says if they noticed that Jesus was there with them at all, it wasnt like they saw Him and were talkin to Him.

Sometimes God is in our situations and we dont even know it until later, so dont think He is not with you.

But this made me start to think, what would i have done in this situation at all? would i stand up for God, do i do things today that i should stop because its bowing and i need to stand up? How often do i take a back seat and not stand up or speak out when i need to.

We all need to stand up for whats right!!

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